
You're Invited to Make Free Money!

My company is allowing me to invite friends, family or whoever I would like to invite to make free money surfing the internet. First of all I am going to guarantee you will never pay any money. You are guaranteed to make $5-$15 per day for clicking a button.

If you are interested I am going to show you how to set this program up in easy steps. By the time you are at the bottom of this page you are going to be making money 7 days a week 365 days a year. And as you will see no one is going to ask you for any money through this set up process.

$5-$15 per day may not sound like a lot, however if you think about it that is over $5,000.00 a year extra money for doing absolutely nothing. After I get you signed up you will just to start the Surfer Browser my company is going to provide you to start making your money. THIS IS NOT A GIMMICK IT IS REAL I PROMISE YOU. Lets Get Started!!!

STEP 1- Sign up for the following Rotator Websites



WHERE IT ASKS FOR URL:- PUT THIS http://www.ppcappraisal.com/



Step 2- Then Sign up for the following Search Engine Affiliates




http://www.revenueatnet.com/cgi-bin/search/signup.cgi?ref=angelfire This register is close.


Step 3 - Now log into DEQUBA, JUNXML, GOASKING ETC.

Locate the PORTAL URL LINK that should be located under the "Affiliate" in the menu. The Search Engine Portal URL will look like this: http://junxml.com/portal.php?ref=XXXXXX. (Replace XXXXX with your ID)

Copy all of the PORTAL links into the following Rotators by logging into Rotators and clicking on "MY LINKS"

www.neterminator.com and www.ciazo.com

Click on "CREATE NEW URL". Add the Portal links for GOASKING SEARCH, then choose the following countries. Australia, Canada, United States, United Kingdom. Click Save when Done.

Now repeat this DEQUBA, GOASKING ETC. After all have been entered into both NETERMINATOR & CIAZO go back to "MY LINKS" page in NETERMINATOR & CIAZO. Place checks in all the boxes and scroll to bottom and choose "START SELECTED" then click on :SUBMIT QUERY".

Step 4 - This next step is very easy to do. We are going to show you how to get your ROTATOR Portal URL links and place them into Ougu Browser to start surfing. NOW YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE OUGO BROWSER TO START SURFING. Download OUGO Browser at this link: This link! (The problem is fixed)

Step 5 - Now Place your Rotator PORTAL URL LINKS into OUGU Browser. Log into:

http://www.neterminator.com, http://www.ciazo.com. Locate your PORTAL URL Links to place into Ougu Browser. Enter all of these portal links into Ougu Browser by doing the following:


Next Click on "APPEND" and name this "SET 1" and click "OK"

After you have named Set 1, place your 2 Rotator Portual URL links in the window on the right that reads "Type URLs here. Remember, this list is limited by 40 lines" A total of Six (6) times. As follows:







(Replace XXXX with your ID)

After you have placed your 2 Rotator Portal links in this section 6 times Click "OK". Now to start to surf. Click on "NAVIGATION" Select "SIX". This will start the Ougu Surfer Automatically.

You are now surfing the internet on Auto Mode and earning money. You also can now minimize the Ougu browser and not be disturbed. You will not need to view any of the surf content unless you want to. Every once in a while it may pop up and you can click on the minimize button to drop it down again if you are working on the computer. We always suggest to check it every once in a while to make sure it does not freeze up on a search. If this happened simply close out and start it up like we showed you by clicking "NAVIGATION" and then choose "SIX" and click "OK" and it will start up again. Also it is good to re-start this after about 8 hours even if it does not hand up to refresh. You can leave this run 24 hours a day if you choose and it will just keep earning you money.

Happy Surfing!

PS:Please leave me a comment, and if you have any questions, and serious about making money, write it down and send it to shiningstar95@yahoo.com


Tax Advantages in a Home Business-2

Hi! Welcome to my blog! Today I am continuing from my previous post on Tax Advantages for your home business. One of the items to consider today is: Will your home owner's insurance cover the property and liability involved in your new business? You definitely must have an answer to that question, so be sure and talk to your insurance agent. (If you rent you can get renters insurance)

One of the beauties of engaging in a home business is tax deductions. To be eligible for business related deductions, you must use that part of your home claimed as the place reserved to meet patients, clients or customers. If you use your den or spare bedroom as the principal place of business working there from 8:00 to 5:00 every day, but permit your children to watch TV in that room during the evening hours, the IRS dictates that you cannot claim a deduction for that room as your office or place of business.

To be eligible for business deductions, your business must be an activity under taken with the intent of making a profit. You can deduct business expenses such as supplies, subscriptions to professional journals, business use of your car or truck, home related business expenses such as utilities etc.

You must keep proper records and take care not to mix business and personal matters. Well, my time is up...stay tune for more upcoming post.



How Do You Measure Success?

Hi! Welcome Back to my blog! You know I thought I should go completely on a different subject today, and ask a question. How Do You Measure Success? Now this is my opinion, don't go crazy on me now. I think many people believe that success comes with wealth or prominence, and even though they claim to enjoy all the material prosperity, they still experience emptiness and lack of meaning and purpose in life.
Many have failed marriages, and probably have distant relationships with family members.

Do you consider yourself successful?

For me Yes! But not with wealth or prominence. I am successful because of my family, true friendship and my purpose in life. As regards my family, I believe that spending time with my sons, and I don't mean just 5 minutes and consider that quality time, I mean I spend most of the evening discussing about their day, laughing with them and talking about the important things in life and preparing dinner together, and really enjoying my sons,and it's even better when my husband gets home. I truly do enjoy doing that. I am a stay at home mom, but I did it while I was a working mom.

My friendships I treasure my friendships with both my female and male friends. My life is not built on aimless day-to-day existence, I set meaningful goals that satisfy me and I have hope in God and for the future. Yes I said it, God "draw close to God". I am grateful for relationship with my family and the simple life I have.

So my question to you again is, How do you measure success? I realize that people may not agree with my view, but that's what make life interesting, different view point, and opinions, so tell what you think. I also have my home business, and I try to make my blog as interesting as possible, I provide numerous tips, guide to home business owner. Please feel free to browse my blog, and leave me comments also.

Quote: "A Goal is a dream with a deadline"